You have landed here because you have perhaps googled the query Laptop & Desktop Repair near me. Well! You have landed at the right place. We repair laptops of majority of brands.
Laptop repairing is essential. You enhance your laptop’s life and save money by repairing it. Hence, if you ask our two cents for this perennial dilemma of laptop repair vs replacement, we’d rather say, try as long as you can.
The topmost repairs our clients ask for is almost same. Most people face the same issues. Some of these issues in which you may consider laptop repair are:
Laptop Repair and Data Recovery
Some clients approach us when they lose their data. Our team of experts can help if you encounter the same problem.
Speeding up
We install SSDs and higher RAMs in laptops and PCs so they work faster.
Quick Fix: We suggest some quick fixes because installing these drives can be expensive for some. You can empty the recycle bin and delete temporary files. Sometimes even this much of effort is helpful in speeding up. Even, you can format the device after transferring the important files to any hard disk or pen drive.
Laptop Repair And Cleaning
Friction is enemy with Laptop’s surface. You can see the difference in your laptop’s appearance. Dust can damage your laptop more severely than you can imagine. We can help you clean your laptop.
Even if you want internal cleaning, our team of experts can clean viruses and threats off your device.
Laptop Screen Repair
You can approach us to repair laptop screen. Laptop Screen damage hurts more than a breakup. But we can help you with this. We can even replace the laptop screen.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can we repair laptop keyboard?
It depends if some keys are working, or the entire keyboard is not. We can check. We even have separate keyboards which you can buy from us.
Can a dead laptop be repaired?
A dead laptop cannot. However, its parts can be brought to use. Usually, a laptop is not already dead when you believe it. If you lose it to water or fire, we can still help you before it’s too late.
Can laptop battery repair?
Varies from case to case. We still suggest you replace battery if the matter is extreme. Sometimes, customers blame their batteries for defunct chargers.
What does a laptop repair cost?
Cost for laptop repair varies from service to service. Hence, we find it void to predict a flat price for laptop repair. However, these are the rates we usually charge:
Can someone provide me laptop or desktop repair service at home?
Laptop Repair from home is possible. We understand that there might be some important work saved in your laptop that you might not be able to leave it with us. Hence, we may send any serviceman at your address. However, it varies. Sometimes, our staff might be engaged with the workload that it is not possible for us to proceed with your request.
However, you can place your request anyway at our contact numbers..
Also, laptop repair home service is not possible for us to provide when the repair of laptop requires some bulky tools which are there at our laptop and repair center.
Who are we?
We are Tayal Computers. We are based in Muzaffarnagar. If you’re also in Muzaffarnagar, we’ll definitely pop first and foremost if you google the queries such as ‘laptop shop near me’, ‘computer shop near me’, or ‘computer repair near me’. With quality services, we have established this reputation. We’ve been in existence since 2006. Check our Google Reviews & navigate us on Google Maps